
Potentially Huge: The Woopy whoop•ee!

ByMary Anne Potts
October 22, 2009

An inflatable wing—part balloon, part paraglider—used in skiing or snowboarding to extend jumps, ease landings,
and pull off absurd leaps over crevasses and ravines. “It
feels almost as if you are on the moon,” says Laurent de Kalbermatten, 53, the Woopy’s creator. “You are weightless, like Peter Pan.” Though the Woopy is not yet available in the United States and is still in development for commercial sale, there are two “Woopy Parks” in Switzerland, the wing’s homeland, for test runs. There’s also a Woopy-Fly glider, for making Woopy in the summertime (woopyjump.com). —Anne Hay


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