Cycling News: The Lovers and Haters of Lance Armstrong’s Comeback

ByMary Anne Potts
September 10, 2008

Text by Ian Dille

The word was spreading on group rides and over post-race beers in Austin long before


leaked that Lance Armstrong was contemplating a comeback. Then

Vanity Fair

confirmed it.

Friends of mine who’d ridden with him were telling me his skin was paper-thin and that something big was in the works. Then Lance showed up at our weekly training throwdown, the

Tuesday Nighter

, and went toe to toe with the state’s best amateurs—a far cry from what he’ll face in the peaks of France, but a test, nonetheless.

The following day my Austin-based racing team’s


was abuzz with the news and the

local media

awash with commentary. Now it’s our turn. Below, the top three lovers and haters, in this journalist’s biased opinion, of Lance’s comeback.

Read lovers and haters list >>


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