Deep Survival with Laurence Gonzales Lightning Victim Likely Saved By Wet Clothing

ByMary Anne Potts
July 02, 2008

In the News: Doctors are amazed that a Minnesota man survived being struck by lightning last Friday while trying to save his outdoor furniture. Though the bolt zapped the metal button on his baseball cap and and the steel tips of his work boots, his wet clothing may have prevented the jolt from traveling through his body.

Analysis: This is a classic case of failure to 1) be mindfully aware of your surroundings and 2) do a risk-reward loop.

Mindfully aware: I am about to go out in a lightning storm. Bad idea in any case. But an even worse idea while wearing metal. Time to reconsider.

Risk-reward loop: Question: What do I stand to gain? Answer: Dry furniture or perhaps a gazebo that isn’t bent up by wind. Question: What do I stand to lose? Answer: My life. Seems like a clear choice.


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